Hi, folks,
It's me, Butterkup, aka, Sue. Stan, my BH and I live in a log cabin that we built in Florida. We share our home with our pit bull, Legba, and her daughter, Peaches. We have two sons: Matthew (my fisherman), and Timothy (my poet.)
I have 2 wonderful grandchildren who are the joy of my life. I am a retired teacher -- spending most of my early teaching in early childhoon education. My husband is still working for the local school system.
I am a camper, a bowler, a parrothead (Jimmy Buffett fan), a bluegrass music fancier, and a reader of "classy trash" (a term penned by John D. McDonald)
Picture taken Dec. 26, 1998, at Fort Ruger. Out of site are about 50 other campers helping themselves to dinner.