How to Join the AFPF WebSite
Want to join? First, please post occasionally. Our purpose in having this website is so we can see faces of posters.
We have five categories where you can be represented. Please note carefully:
- Photo in Gallery. This is primary entrance to the group. You must be in the Gallery before you can be entered into the Collage. Also, by submitting your photo for the Gallery, you will be automatically added to the Collage.
- Photo in Collage. This is a courtesy arrangement done by our talented Jim Everman. Whenever Graham adds a new pretty face to the Gallery, she notifies Jim. We use the same photo for both Gallery and Collage. If you change your photo, Toddy will notify Jim. You will not be added to Collage unless you are in the Gallery. Please don't ask.
- Entry in Map. This is an on-request issue, as some people do not want others to know their physical location on this Earth. This is NOT automatic. You must request Jim to make this addition. Truly, this is separate from the Gallery.
- Birthday page. This is a separate entity also. Whether you have a photo or not, you may be added to the birthday page by notifying Toddy of month and day and e-mail id. Our recommendation is to include this information along with your bio.
- Travelogue. You may either submit your entry via e-mail to Toddy at or if you've developed the page yourself, just send the URL to Toddy.
For travelogue submissions: Your submission will be much easier for Toddy to add to web site if you'll do the following:
- Submit no more than 3 photos and explicitly identify the persons and location for each.
- Submit your travelogue as one document, so Graham doesn't need to index and catalog information for multiple documents.
- Create a blank line between paragraphs so it's easier to see your desired structure.
- Put any URLs you want on page in a separate paragraph. Makes it easier for Toddy to locate
- Check that all URLs actually work. This is an easy area to misspell something.
- Include the basics, e.g., when you took the trip and where you went...
For Gallery: Send photo to Toddy at If you do not have a scanned photo, you can send photo via snailmail. Should be 4"x 6" or smaller. If you want it returned, include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Send request for Toddy's snailmail address to
PLEASE: Include a bio, even if only 10 words. Let us know who you are. Also, please include
- your name
- your nickname on NG (Very important)
- your email id
This makes it easier to keep info on you. (If you have a personal website you would like listed, please include the URL.)
Also, on photo: If possible, use a photo with a bright, clear image of your face. Toddy will attempt to brighten dark photos, but no guarantees.
Please include birthday (month and day, NOT year...) and Toddy will put on the birthday page also for you. With your permission, Toddy will also put your e-mail id on the page.
NOTE: Please do not post to AFPF to notify Toddy of your intentions or of errors. She monitors her e-mail for that.
Changes last made on: Mon 22nd Jan 2001