Who are the LOTEs?

The LOTEs are a lady's club titled "Ladies of the Evening" who meet and post and laugh on the AFPF newsgroup (alt.fifty-plus.friends.) Their advertised price for services is a quarter (25 cents) yet none of the ladies has ever acknowledged earning that first quarter, thus preserving their chaste status.

Despite the suggestive title, the group consistently used the subject area for fun in discussing spandex clothes, high heels, standing on street corners, and having fun. Any inference by any reader that this was a group for suggestive or inappropriate comments and sexually oriented discussions would be wrong. Gentlemen on the NG wisely refrained from any propositions as they would not have been welcome.

The group was formed, as david remembers, in early 1998 as many women were joining the NG and were seeking some light-hearted discussion topics. It was a simple and easy way to jump into the NG with that first post. The LOTEs have periodic cookouts, parties, and david thinks he was once walking through the woods and heard them having an annual skinnydip party, but none of the LOTEs ever confirmed or denied this.

See Following History from Donna, Sue, and Janie.

Donna's comments, one of the co-founders:

"I believe the L.O.T.E.s resulted from Keith's original posts requesting applicants for various positions to be held within the group. This was probably in early 1998. I remember that I (and maybe Don Prone) applied for the position of "group clown". Apparently, Keith decided neither of us was funny enough to be the clown, since Don is still Prone and I'm not. I think it was Keith who first started using the term "Ladies of the Evening" and appointed Sue and me to that position.

"In mid-July 1998 (I love Deja.com!), L.O.T.E. U was co-founded by Sue and me. The first diplomas were given out (via FedEx) on July 13, 1998 to Janie and BlueBird. We subsequently held graduation services when the mood struck us and when at least one new L.O.T.E. graduated from the rigorous 2-hour course (give or take an hour and a half or so)."

Sue's comments, one of the co-founders: The following is a collection of posts collected from Dejanews....

Subject: Keith...was something else 
From: kup@ewol.com 
Date: 1999/03/28 
Newsgroups: alt.fifty-plus.friends 
Broke61705 wrote: 
> In article 
> writes: 
> >L.OT.E. nominations are cleared thru you??? I think not, Mr. Las Vegas. If 
> >you will recall, Sweet Sue and I co-founded L.O.T.E. U and any prospective 
> >L.O.T.E. must take the test and get their diploma before hitting the streets 
> >(in a manner of speaking!) If I know you, you would want to charge a fee 
> >for nominating a future L.O.T.E. to our beloved university. Get a grip, 
> >Bucko! 
> >Donna  
> Ok fine, I agree to the facts as so stated. 
> But :), it was I who first proposed the position of Group Hooker. You just 
> polished it up a bit. I think I should get something for using my noodle. 
> k

Wait a minute, Bucko (I like that, Donna) Yes, you did propose a 
position of lady of the evening.(it was never hooker) but I was the 
first Lote, with Donna following close behind me. So..I figure I 
should be due for some of the newsgroup $$$ For your perusal:

Subject: Positions available in 
From: broke61705@aol.com (Broke61705) 
Date: 1998/07/09 
Newsgroups: alt.fifty-plus.friends
Claim your position in the newsgroup! 
Finally, a chance to rise (if you haven't already - some of us clearly have :)) to your level of 
incompetence. Positions previously filled: 
Group President - LadyB 
Group Vegetable - Don 
Group Treasurer - Keith 
Group Poet - BJ 
Group Con Artist - Janie
You may apply for one of the 
following open positons OR you can create your own job!
1/ Group Clown - Don, Donna, Jack, 
Jerry, R.Lloyd, and Barb in a close race. 
2/ Group Stud/Flag Bearer - M. Ayvdaqualosgi, hands down - Look Ma, no hands!
3/ Group Felon - open 
4/ Group Mogul - Soros, Gates, and Buffet - Move aside! 
5/ Group Gentleman - Tray and John R. in a tight race. 
6/ Group Dentist - Tammy - of Polish descent? 
7/ Group Brave Person - the first to visit the Group Dentist. 
8/ Group Philosopher -Richard is frontrunner with tagline....."I am nothing") 
9/ Group Linguist -Kelly frontrunner what with French, Norwegian and English exp. 
10/ Group Nurse - Leighann - and a fine nurse she is. 
11/ Group Cook - tossup, Dorothy may have the edge - applicants see Don (run Don.) 
12/ Group Doctor - Doctor Don, who has to be better than my HMO doc. 
13/ Group Dandy - claim it and it's yours! 
14/ Group Psychiatrist - we could use at least three of these! 
15/ Group Lady of the Evening - open, apply in person to Treasurer M-F 8am-4pm. 
16/ Group Lady (otherwise) - each and every one of you!! 
17 Group Support Person (who freely lends an ear or helping hand) Bluebird 
18/ Group Egghead - finished last in your class of 412? Makes no difference here. 
19/ Group Cosmopolit - Dalin and Lizbeth frontrunners. 
20/ Group Wise Person - Jenna looking good. 
21/ Group Computer Expert - Hugh. Not you, it's Hugh!! 
22/ Group Expert on Smut - Butterkup, who freely admitted investigating porno sites. :) 
23/ Group Builder - Jerry (upstate NY) 
So many possibilities........Group Transvesti.....nah.

Subject: Re: Any compulsive habits 
From: kup@ewol.com 
Date: 1998/07/09 
Newsgroups: alt.fifty-plus.friends 
tidwell wrote: 
> Sue, while listing her 7 Best .... oops! 7 deadly Sins, wrote in message 
> <35A5202C.3643@ewol.com>... 
> >I'm with you, Donna. As I see it:(so sayeth my dictionary) 
> >compulsive: psychol(?) caused by some irresistible impulse 
> >habit: addiction> 
> >Ergo, I have many irrestible addictions. 
> >My personal "7 Deadly Sins" (in no particular order) 
> >eating, drinking, smoking, sex (do I qualify for L.O.T.E.?) laziness, 
> >p.c. addict, sleeping. 
> > 
> >Butterkup(wondering if Donna will go in group therapy with me)

I'll probably regret this, but what exactly is L.O.T.E.? 
> Donna 
LOL. L.O.T.E.= Lady of the evening! 
(see positions open)
After this post I started using Official LOTE as my sig line.
(end of original message) 

Janie's comments, one of the first LOTEs:

"Somewhere along the line, BJ also became a LOTE. Keith teased all of us so much, we formed a posse and chased him out into the dessert, slapping his bottom on a cactus. We have a pink cadillac, remember? And poor BJ lived in the doghouse behind my house for a long time because she was a LOTE without a home. Then, there were the GLOTES (good lotes) and BLOTES (bad LOTES). BJ and I were GLOTES (until she turned traitor! < G > ) and Donna and Sue were Bad LOTES. I became a very rebellious LOTE and Donna and Sue made me go back to LOTE university for 3 weeks when everyone else had to go for only 2 hours. Anyway, I am now Queen LOTE, even though they protest! Bluebird is a very special LOTE and rides around on her Rolltide dressed in hot pink with a hot pink boa around her neck and her cat and parrot with her:)"

If you were/are a member of the LOTEs and have more or better information on their history, then click here to send Toddy the info.

Changes last made on: Wed 7th February 2001