The Gathering in Paris, July 1999
Photos on this page were taken by Maeve. Huguette also took photos of the trip and they are available by Clicking here and then entering "15901" when prompted.
This was the morning at the hotel, in coffee bar before lunch.
I think you will know some of the people. . .
Tessa is the one in foreground on left, I'm next (Maeve), then Huguette in black flower dress,
Jeannine is the lady in red, and Toddy is hiding behind Win.
Posing under the Tour Eiffel
L-R Maeve, Win, Toddy, Huguette, Tessa, Jeannine posing under the Tour Eiffel.
On the River Seine
Left to Right; Huguette, Jeannine, Tessa, Maeve and Win.
{Red Herring}
Hungry Ladies
Clockwise from left....Jeannine, Win, Toddy, Tessa, Maeve, Huguette.
Toddy and Maeve after big meal (trying to hide our double chins).
Taking a break at Jackie's typically Parisian flat.
L-R Nathalie (Huguette's DIL), Maeve, Jeannine, Huguette.
Win finds her gendarmes
L-R policemen, Win, Huguette, Jeannine.
Cheers to all my friends!! Maeve.
This webpage built by Jim Everman. Transported to the AFPF site by david in 10/99. Photos from Huguette added in 11/99.