AFPF Gallery
My short Bio:
Tommy Pawlik
My Date of Birth: July 26 1979
Zodiacal Sign: Leo
My Place Of Birth: Warsaw, Poland
I and my all family live in the suburbs of Warsaw. Telling more precisly the name of the city is Zabki.
We've lived here since 2001. I've got one elder sister and wonderful parents.
Their names are Sylwester and Miroslawa.
Besides I'm a godfather of Maggie (my niece). I love her so much.
I finished my elementary school.
I graduated my high school.
I passed entrance exam and I became a student.
Since 1999 until now
I've been studing at Warsaw University (Finances and Management Faculty)
Personal Interests
My main interest is sport. Especially I like playing basketball and tennis in my spare time. My favorite sportsman is Michael Jordan
I like getting to know different countries.. I like also meeting different persons from these different countries.
Politics, Economy, International Relations
These fields are very excited for me. Different relations all over the world between countries seem very interesting for me.