Born: 23rd of June 1934
E-address: male@ulkuran.freeserve.co.uk
Divorced: 1978, 1 daughter, Eda, and 2 grandchildren, Fred (born 1993) and Jade (born 4th of July 2000! ) all living in London,GB
Home: Liverpool, GB
Education: Lycée de Galatasaray, Istanbul, TR; Ecole Nationale des
Ponts-et-Chaussées, Paris, FR; Ph.D. and D.Sc. in Pure Mathematics, University of Liverpool.
Hobbies:Languages(going West to East: Eng., Span., Fr., Germ., Ital., Turk., Rus. and Chinese [Mandarin]), Art (mainly paintings and sculptures), Classical Music.
Exercise: Two mile brisk walk a day.
Posted: 24th of April, 2001 (Photo taken 21st of January, 2001)