Born Chicago, 1940
Married: 3rd time charm…
2 grown children, 7 grand children, 3 great grandchildren
No high school; GED college, passed tech courses 3.5 GPA but skipped academics so no degree.
First steady job, age 15. Aside from obligatory (in my family) stint in food service, including owning a couple of restaurants; spent most of working life in computers & peripherals, from line assembler to test technician to quality control supervisor.
Part of that time also owned antique store, did furniture refinishing.
Left both fields about 1976, Spent next 25 years, making and selling dollhouse accessories, mainly scale-model foods, both contemporary and period.
More or less retired since 2001.
Hobbies: reading, miniatures, gardening, computer graphics, genealogy; a little writing
Collect: miniatures; glass; Christmas ornaments; ceramics, esp. little houses; sea shells; weird critters, stuffed & otherwise; bears, and of course, Sheepees
(No, of course I dont keep it all dusted..Dust Bunnies are my Friends!)
Website:Val's home page