I left Perth on May 2nd, it was strange to travel 30 hours
via Sydney and Los Angeles and still arrive on May 2nd !!
Thankfully Keith and Margaret were there to help me
negotiate the perils of those trolleys that you need to pay
for before "they'll" let you use them !!
We managed to get all the luggage into the car, and headed
off for 'downtown' and The Golden Nugget Hotel.
On the way I asked for my first lesson on how to live in
the States.......how much and how often do I need to tip ??
In OZ we don't tip at all, and I knew this was going to be a
tough one to get used to.........after all I didn't want to be too
generous,<G>, but I didn't want to be a skinflint either.
I just knew Keith would be the right one to educate me on
this very important part of American life, with his in depth
knowledge of money matters <G>
The hotel was wonderful, complete with a massive golden
nugget, (found in OZ) which was well protected behind
glass, and became our meeting place, when we didn't arrange to eat together !!
We met Norma and had something to eat before I collapsed
for the night at 7.30.......jet lag made sure that
I woke up every 2 hours, but at least I was finally in bed,
and able to relax in my king-sized bed !!
Monday, and after brekkie with Norma, Donna (who had
arrived at midnight, and stayed up 'playing' all night,)
mj, and Bette, Keith and Margaret came and took Norma
and me on a wonderful sight seeing trip around LV,
before stopping at the New Orleans.....their local pub !!
.....for lunch, and then back to their place where we met
Andrew and Daniel (grandsons) and Peter, their Dad........
what a privilege....it is so great to travel
and meet with 'locals' who are willing to share a bit of
their lives with you, and spend time doing so.
Then to the very important part of the whole 5
days..........dinner with the whole mob at Main Street
Station. This was great, we all met up for a buffet dinner, so that
if we arrived at different times it wouldn't be so
disruptive, special thanks to mj for her organisational skills :-))
Norma, Donna and I arrived together, and spied the rest of
the group, minus Beth.....who arrived straight from work a
little later. So we sat down and started a wonderful meal
with Jack, Bette, mj, Donna, Norma, L'Il Al, Margaret, and
Keith.....and eventually a breathless Beth.!!!
We had a great meal and took lots of photos, until I got a
message passed down the table......"Keith wants to see you
lose your $20 in a flash at the Black Jack
table"......."Done" says I, and off we go....well, I couldn't lose !!
Keith was so impressed that he had to join in eventually, and he won
too.....much more than I did, but then I was happy with a small win,
and not willing to risk a loss, after having won at a table
in Las Vegas !!
Beth was the noisiest of us all, and made sure we didn't
lose each other by having the best fun !! ( mj disappeared,
she was concentrating so hard on her slot machine, that we lost
her somehow).
Tuesday.......Breakfast at the Golden Nugget again, and
alas and alack......mj got the wrong brekky........well you
should have seen her, (and the rest of us,) stick up for herself !!
She was embarrassed, but we were all terribly impressed with
such assertiveness........needless to say mj got the strawberries
she originally asked for !!
I tried desperately to get my computer online....with
little success, in spite of gallant offers of help from Al,
and the girls........they all got fed up with my efforts and
left me to get on with it !!......I was successful in the end,
but it took some doing !!
In the evening Keith, Margaret, Donna, Norma and I went
to a delicious dinner at Phillips Supper House......I was
amazed to see poker machines set into the bar, just to catch
your change, should you have any !!
It was quite a shock to the system to see slot machines
everywhere......and the noise of their electronic 'musak'
(ping, ping, ping) will be an abiding memory....
as well as the shrieks of excitement from
people who were winning !!!!!
Wednesday.........Norma and I went to the California Hotel
to have brekky with Al and Joy, before they left to return
to California.......I knew there had to be a reason they
stayed there !!
It was sad to say good bye to the last of the group, but
it had been a wonderful few days, with lots of laughter, and
fun..........pictures with Elvis come to mind !!
I slept the sleep of the righteous (?) on Wednesday
afternoon, after saying good-bye to Donna....
and had an early dinner so as to be bright-eyed
and bushy-tailed for my trip to the
Grand Canyon the next day.
Thursday dawned a beautiful day, and we took off from LV
airport in a 9 seater aeroplane with huge windows to fly to
the Grand Canyon. The plane was full, and we had 6 of them all
taking off in convoy to arrive one after the other.......
the views were breathtaking, and nothing I can say will
do them justice.........suffice to say that I took far too
many photos, many of which look alike, and I knew I was doing it,
and just couldn't stop myself.
It is really awesome, so majestic and magnificent.....10
miles wide and a mile deep, and with incredible colours and
texture, that it really takes your breath away.
At one spot on the South rim, there were many tourists
from buses, like we were, and all sorts of nationalities,
and all I heard was "WOW" . It didn't matter where the people
came from......the word was "WOW" !!!!!!!!
I saw the views, deer, a squirrel, the mules that take you
down to camp at the bottom of the canyon if you want to
!!......One called Charlie, the only white one, who insists
on walking on the edge nearest the edge of the path,
with a sheer drop on that side......making even
hardened travellers/hikers WALK up to the top
again............Charlie is no fool !!!!!
It was with sadness that we left the area after too short
a time.....and made the return flight 'home' to LV for a
late lunch and ready to pack to leave for Chicago, and my
sister Heather, whose home I had never seen.
This was my introduction the States.........simply
wonderful........it is the people that make such a trip
worthwhile, and I would like to thank everyone there for
making it such a great time........I even learnt how to tip !!
Friday........downstairs early to wait for the shuttle bus
to the airport......a white stretch limousine drew up alongside
and the driver, in uniform, got out and said "$6.00 for the
airport?"....... I was amazed and wondered if this was some sort of trick,
but the blokes who were painting the pavement, (or sidewalk,
as I learnt to say,) assured me "Only in Las Vegas !!"
What an end to my trip there !! A stately drive to the
airport with others picked up at the hotel,
and dropped outside the correct terminal in real style.
Only in Las Vegas !!
On arrival in Chicago, I was met by my youngest sister,
Heather.......after a big hug, and she said " Could you move
to the other side, I have a broken elbow " !!
Typically, she hadn't told me the day before when I checked
that she had remembered that I was arriving on Friday !!
It was wonderful to stay with her for 3 weeks in Barrington,
Ilinois.......about 45 minutes northwest of Chicago.
She has been there for 18 years, and Peter and I had never
made it to her home. We were going to, but she always came
over to UK when we did, so the opportunity didn't occur.
She is 7 years my junior, and my arrival was very timely.
she really needed help, not only physical, with her broken
elbow, and also wrist, as it turned out later, but
emotionally as well.
So she went to work, and when she was able to take time off,
or at the weekends we sorted out her worries, and set the
world to rights........I only hope she is able to keep to
the plan we made, and doesn't let things get on top of her
I discovered the weather channel.....how anyone can talk
about the weather for 24 hours is fascinating !!
and the History channel......a wonderful channel with all
sorts of different history stories/documentaries that were
really interesting, and did my best to make friends with her
2 cats......declawed.......something that one doesn't see in
OZ. They are mainly indoor cats, and were only allowed
outside under very close supervision.
I thoroughly enjoyed sitting at her windows and seeing the
most wonderful wildlife. Birds, a cardinal, mum and dad,
and baby......A really beautiful little blue bird, an
indigo bunting,and a fantastic little red bird, a scarlet
tanager, with black feathers on its wings, and blue jays
everywhere..... American robins, much bigger than either
English or Aussie ones................, and red-winged blackbirds
.......with their flash of red as they fly by.....
chipmunks, hurrying and scurrying and playing
up and down her garden steps, squirrels fighting for the
bird seed in the feeder........being very greedy .
On the lake just down the road, there were swans, gulls,
and egrets too,
The first week was spent just recovering from LV, and
getting to know Heather's youngest daughter, the elder
arrived from College at the end of the week.
We had arranged to meet up with Connie and Don and his
Bride, Don rang me during the week, and enjoyed surprising
We had a great chat on the phone like old friends,
it was so much fun, then the day before we
were due to go to lunch Connie rang and told us that Don was
ill, and wouldn't be coming to lunch, and would I mind if
Dick joined us. I said " Of course not, but who is Dick?"
Connie wasn't sure, but he knew us, obviously, so we were
delighted that he wanted to come along too.
I discovered that Don's hospital wasn't far from the diner,
so if it would be all right, Heather and I would love to
visit him in there.....Connie said she thought that would be
Heather and I set off for Valparaiso, Indiana.....I had now
been to Nevada, Arizona, Ilinois, and now Indiana.
We were both excited, Heather wondering if I were sane, and
who on earth we were off to meet, and me with the knowledge
I was about to meet great people !!
The trip, about 2 1/2 hours, was relatively uneventful,
except for having to find 40c every few miles for the tolls
on the road....I was amazed at the amount we had to pay,
anything form 25c to 40c and very regularly too,or so it
The city of Chicago had to be negotiated, no
problems.......the freeway systems are great, and Saturday
was a quiet day to go through the middle of the city.
The countryside is very flat, but the fields were planted
with corn, and we could see the shoots just poking up
through the dark brown earth, giving a green tinge
everywhere, and those red barns !!......they are on every
farm, and so beautifully designed, just like the old Dutch
architecture. We saw a swallow-tailed kite and plenty of
redwing blackbirds too.
Lunch !!......well I don't remember what we ate, but I do
remember we had some special biscuits that had just
come out of the oven.... We were just so pleased to be together, we were laughing
most of the time !!
Dick and his wife Barb were there, and it turned out that
Dick was 'Flip'......with whom I have spent hours on mIRC
chatting and having fun........he sends wav. files saying
things like "You are addicted" and "Hello Anne".
He can be found on #desert regularly, mostly with the 40+
mob, all great fun too.
He impressed us all with his digital camera, and swore he
would delete any that were bad.....I should have vetted them
then and there <VBG>, and Barb showed us photos of the grand
children and her handiwork.......great stuff !!
Connie is as beautiful as her posts promised she would be,
and I felt as if we were really old friends, and could have
spent much longer with her. She was very generous, and lots of fun, we laughed a lot,
and we found the same things funny !!
Well, we had to get back to Chicago, and she had to go back
to work, it was fun meeting other people there, and they
were all interested to meet someone from OZ.
We found our way to the hospital, and Don......(who was
really Prone), but he was in great spirits, we passed a very
pleasant 3/4 hour there.....at least.....only being thrown
out by someone who wanted to do yet ANOTHER test. I was
sorry we missed Don's Bride, but maybe next time. It was
great to see Don looking so well, after not being sure just
how ill he was.
Sooooooo, now was crunch time, which way was home?
We set off, certain we were heading on the right direction,
but went too far, and decided to turn around and eventually
took a completely wrong turn and ended up with an unguided
tour in this part of Indiana !!
Heather was enjoying the tour, so it was hard to persuade
her to stop and ask where we were, but finally we did, and
only had to turn around a drive about 500 yards to the main
road, which we promptly crossed as if it weren't there at
all !!!!
Fortunately there was a youngster there, working on a
tractor, and dressed in those denim dungarees that you see
in movies, and we stopped and asked him how to get to Chicago
........"Chicago????? Why, you'd have to take the toll road !!"
He was amazed that we were so far from home !!
We arrived home safely and exhausted after a very happy day,
Heather really impressed with my friends, and me so thrilled
to have been able to meet up with them all.
It had been a superb day.
One of the highlights of my whole trip was the day we drove
right across Ilinois and went to the Mississippi river, we
stopped at the tourist town of Galena for lunch, and a
wander around. This was where part of the film "Field of
Dreams", with Kevin Costner had been filmed,
and then on to Dubuque and THE river.....
it was just as I had imagined it....so wide,
and with huge bridges forming arches across it.
It was so exciting, all that history and all those novels I
had read all came back to me.
There was even a Casino riverboat moored there too.
The river was in flood, and was very impressive, we went
around the dredger there, the William M. Black, and took
photos and then set off, to the other side so that I could
say that I had also been to Iowa !! Much hillier than
We set off back for home on this side so that we could drive
alongside the river for a while......well in true Heather
fashion, that took much longer than it looked on the
map, as what looked like a bridge was in fact just a series
of locks which helped the low lying ground when the
river flooded.
After we crossed the river, eventually , to get back to
Ilinois and home again, I took over some of the driving, as
Heather was tired after driving all that way.......this was
an adventure, as I hadn't driven on the 'wrong' side of the
road for many a long year, and I was a bit worried about
it.....but all went smoothly, even through some of the
smaller roads as we reached home, and I had to negotiate
left hand turns etc. Fortunately Heather is a great back
seat driver, so I got lots of help It had been a wonderful 3 weeks, with getting to know my
'little' sister again, and her 2 daughters, who are
beautiful, and a delight to be with.........they laugh at my
jokes<VBG> Of course one of the fun things we had to do was go to the
mall and SHOP!!!!!
However, the meeting of the garden friends was about to get
under way and I was off to Canada, to join in.
Having packed and re-packed my suitcase 3 times, on May 26th
I set off for Toronto, en route for London, Ontario, to meet
Patsy and John with whom I would be staying.
May 26th.........In order to avoid long drawn out tearful
farewells, Heather dropped me at the airport, and drove off
without a backward glance........I hope :-)
The trip to Toronto was uneventful and comfortable, on
arrival, I found that I had to walk the whole length of the
airport, to get to the part I needed to get to, to get my
forward flight to London, Ontario !!
This was the biggest problem I had throughout all my
travels alone...... coping with carrying my stuff alone,
especially when the laptop is SO heavy, and trolley carts
are not available.
However I arrived safely in London, Ont. and there all
waiting for me was a group of friends I had also
really been looking forward to meeting........my garden
friends :-) I met all these people on www.garden.com in the chat room,
and they were the first people I had ever met on the
net.......4 of them were there to greet me, and like meeting
the ng friends it felt as if we had known each other for
We settled in the nearest diner....a big one...had an
enormous early dinner and then set off for Ridgetown, Ont.,
where Patsy and her husband John live.
They had been very generous and I was invited to stay with
them until the 30th.
We had Thursday and Friday together getting organised for
the invasion of chatters who were to join us, we were 11 in
My first night I spent throwing things out of my suitcase
trying to find my nightdress......it was a new one, and I
had bought it, while shopping with Heather at Pier 1
especially because I wouldn't be with 'family'
or in a hotel, so felt I needed something 'respectable'.
I couldn't find it !!......Not only that, but after pulling
out the couch and making a very comfortable bed, Patsy told
me that they didn't have a door on their sitting room !!
....HELP!!!!! I improvised, and stopped worrying about
not looking respectable...... who does in those
circumstances !!??
The next morning there were gentle enquiries about what I
had been up to, so late....and lots of laughter......
fortunately they have a door on their bedroom !!
Patsy and John took me to Lake Erie, very windy <G>
and to a farm where they had buffalo and camels, and all
sorts of local wild life......even some Aussie cockatoos !!
It was fun, and we saw a bear that Patsy had held on
her knee as a fur ball when he was a baby.
He is now HUGE.....and not someone I'd
like to get too close to !!
We also saw a cross between a buffalo and a cow.....
a beefalo ?
On Friday night some of the chatters arrived and we all ate
a wonderful dinner that Patsy had prepared, and laughed and
teased, as if we had known each other for years.
The next day everyone arrived, and we had a great time
inspecting Patsy's garden, which is a marvel....
for those of you who are interested these are the addresses
of her web pages.........well worth a visit.
We all had dinner together in a local restaurant, and much
fun was had by all, especially Milt, who LOVES his Cool
Whip!! This was made even more obvious the next morning at
brekkie, when he ate a serving with nothing but strawberry
jam (jelly) to flavour it !! YUK!!
What fun we all had !!
After brekkie Milt and his wife Mary Grace took me back with
them to their place in Arcadia, Michigan.....a 6 hour drive.
On the way I learnt to play their favourite long journey
game: "Spot the golf course" !!
I even spotted one before they did, and they do this drive
on a regular basis !!
I had a fantastic 4 days with them, they were great, and
showed me around their special place, a beautiful garden, of
course, but also fantastic wild life to see....white tailed
deer, wild turkeys, lots of birds. There was a humming bird
too, but I just missed seeing him several times:-((
Mary Grace arranged for me to have hair cut (I was getting
desperate !!), and took me to a Mexican restaurant, where I
had a MARGARITA!!!!........it was raspberry flavour , and I
had the salt around the glass, and I really enjoyed
it.....another new experience !!
They took me on evening drives to see all these things and
also to see the beautiful countryside, the surrounding
woods and all the little lakes as well as Lake Michigan,
but I couldn't see the other side where I had been with
Heather <VBG>
We left at midnight to drive to Sarnia, in Canada, for me to
catch the train to Toronto to catch the plane to the other
London, this time in UK........I had to do this in order
not to go 'backwards' as a Round the world ticket
insists that you keep going in the direction you started
from, and I had gone 'backwards' to London Ont. as
a separate part of my trip, not part of the original ticket,
they drove all through the night to get me there
at 5.00am, for the train that left at 5.25am !! Brilliant
timing !! Not just brilliant timing, but very special
people, who took me into their home, and made me feel part
of the family, meeting their daughter and her husband and
two daughters, and really put themselves to some
inconvenience with this train business <G>
I learnt to throw a frizbee for their dog,
Jean Marie, an Australian Shepherd, an American breed I had
never heard of before. All in all a wonderful part of my
trip. I cannot over-emphasise how generous and kind
my garden friends were. I am a very lucky person.
The train to Sarnia was comfortable and only cost me $30 !!.
Mary Grace had arranged this some time before I had got
there. I arrived in Toronto at about 8.30am, and left my luggage at
the station, before going across, underground, to the Royal
York Hotel for breakfast, which I was really ready for !!
I then went to the Concierge in the Hotel, and asked what I
should do before I left for the airport to travel to UK, and
how to get to the airport too !!
He told me to go to the CN tower, the tallest free standing
building in the world. So off I went, passing and chatting
to a homeless bloke at the traffic lights......(too lazy to
work was the impression I got !!) and bought a ticket to get
to the top of the tower. It is really incredible to get so
high and get a wonderful view of the city.
The whole tower was buzzing with activity, lost of
school children on their 'end of year' trips and lots of
foreigners too.
It is a very spread out flat city on the edge of Lake
Ontario, so the views were just great.
They also have a spot in the tower which has a glass floor,
so you can stand on it and look down on the world scurrying
around below..............I didn't stay there very long, I
felt as if the whole thing was swaying in the breeze !!
After this adventure, I went to find some coffee, and
wandered around the central part of the city for a while
until I felt as if I could no longer keep my eyes
open......apart from about an hour in the car, and 1/2 an
hour on the train I had had very little sleep since the
morning before !!
So I had lunch, got my luggage, and some help to get it
across the road to where the shuttle bus left, bought my
ticket, and sat there vegetating until we got to the
departure terminal, and after a bit of a wait, boarded the
plane for London.
I was awake for a while, but once the trolley came around
with drinks before dinner, I had had enough.
So leaving dinner and drinks to the others, I slept the
whole way, until we were woken for breakfast at 5.00am.
This was good !! I had had 4 hours uninterrupted sleep and
felt much better !!
We landed safely, and I caught the "Hotel Hoppa" to get to the hotel
to pick up my hire car..........
Having arrived in London and got to the Hotel to pick up my car,
I set off for the M4 and Southampton.....however I missed the
turning for the A3, and found myself in Central
London......Kensington High Street !!
You may well ask how I managed that. I have no idea. !! After
enquiries about finding the right road, I astonished myself by
driving into Richmond Park. !!!!
I spy a lady, dressed in the almost compulsory tweeds,
who has just finished a walk with her 2
retrievers and a Labrador, and ask her if she could possibly tell
me how to find the A3.
"FOLLOW ME " !!!!!!
I did, and was extremely irritated, and not a little relieved, to
find that it was 'just around the corner'.
This little exercise had taken me 2 hours !!
My 87 year old aunt A.D., in Chichester was worried sick, and I
couldn't get the mobile phone to work. I stopped at the first
available loo, and fixed both myself and the phone, and rang my
aunt, who was relieved to hear I was all right, she thought I had
flown from Perth to London, and had been in contact with my
daughter in Perth........"Where's your Mum?" Helen replied that
she had no idea, but that I had flown from Toronto and that I
must be on my way <G> So instead of brekkie, I arrived in time
for lunch, and a very long afternoon sleep !!
I did have time to notice that a parcel had not arrived from
Barrington, Ill.......not unexpected.
I have to explain that my aunt is like a second Mother to me and
my brother and sisters, and is a very special person. We have a
wonderful relationship, and spend a lot of our time together
laughing and joking about silly things and generally behave much
as we do in the ng <G>
By the Saturday morning I had a raging toothache, and she rang
her dentist who was out surfing in or around Chichester Harbour,
and the wind died !!
He eventually returned our call, and said to be in his rooms at
7.30pm..........he took one look, gave me Penicillin, and said
"Come back on Monday" !!
This I did, and we started the round of root canal treatments
that were to go on for the next three weeks....on and off !!
With the pain having settled a bit, I went 'up north' to my
brother in Cumbria, and stayed with him and his family for a
When I arrived there I was beginning to show surprise when there
was no parcel there for me from Barrington, Ill.
This necessitated a phone call to Heather to ask her to send on
my nightie to A.D. (Aunty Dorothy), so that I would have it when
I got to Paris...... and points north <G>
Heather was out, but her daughter very kindly promised to do just
that. Heather hadn't known what to do about it. !! Even though I had
just spent 3 weeks with her, and she knew my itinerary..............
I think the thought of my going to stay with people in Canada whose
telephone number I didn't even know, and who only have a PO box
address had her really worried <G>
She shouldn't have worried, she met Connie, and Flip and Barb,
and also Don.....and loved all of them :-)
I had a great week with my brother, travelling around the Lake
District to the beautiful towns nestled in the valleys between
the hills, Keswick and Penrith. Grey towns, but really busy
with summer crowds, and people looking for climbing
and trekking equipment, like Ian, who was
off to Peru for 3 weeks. We went to a circle of stones which
looked like a mini version of Stonehenge, but was only built in
the 16th century as a market place for the local farmers and
traders. The weather was beautiful, unusually so, for the North East of
England, and we made the most of it !!
However I had to get back to the dentist !! I talked to Peter's
brother, and his wife Dorothy, whom we have now all met, and
arranged to drop off the wedding presents for their son and his
Bride-to-be about an hour down the Motorway , M6, and we met in
an hotel carpark, and chatted for about 30 minutes before I
continued on to Burridge, near Southampton, to stay with some
friends of Peter, and who, since his death I had got to know much
better than before. They, and Peter's brother and Dorothy were
tremendous support for me at my son's wedding just 3 months after
Peter died.
I was only about 30 minutes from the dentist should I need
emergency treatment, and I felt much safer !!
We had a wonderful time, with one of the highlights being a trip
around the area, taking all the back roads, to Salisbury,
Marlborough, and another ancient town, Stockbridge(?).
This was a wonderful day, and I saw the Cathedral in Salisbury
while a service was going on, so I heard wonderful singing from
the choir while I wandered about doing the tourist thing :-)
Outside the Cathedral grounds, in the Close, there is a
magnificent statue of an owl, standing about 6'6" high.....made
out of bronze, I think. I love owls, and this was a special
find :-)
We also had a great time coming somewhere in the middle at a quiz
night for the local Rotary Club..........do you know how many
back toes a frog has?
I knew though, that this had to end, and I had to go back to the
dentist and A.D............and a parcel from Barrington, Ill !!!!
So I was on the move again, and had an easy trip, past Eastleigh
and Mick and Wendy, to Chichester, not that I was able to talk to them
until later on in the week. That was fun, we had a great chat, and I
am pleased that we did make contact :-)
A.D. and I had a great time, visiting my cousin in Petersfield,
and catching up on the last two years' news.
We also did the (little) Times cross word each day, and went for
short walks around her garden, and down her drive. She talks a
lot about her youth in Baghdad, and the family stories, it is
great to hear how they grew up, and how they went to school in
Italy, and their lives in 'the old days'.
The dentist tried valiantly to do another root canal treatment on
my rotten tooth, but after a week end of tooth ache, he decide
that I had had enough, and that he had too <G> so he decided that
he had to remove it. I had about 3 days to recover, before I
headed off to Paris and to my sister Jackie.
However the night before I left, I had to take the car back to
the Forte Crest Hotel, I had decided to stay a night there, and
take the Hotel Hoppa back to the airport the next morning to
travel on to Paris. Finding the Hotel is easier than it sounds......
you can see it from the M4, but unless you take the exit before, you
have to go on to the next exit, and drive around the outside of
Heathrow to get to it...if you know which way you turn out of the
airport....I didn't... LOL
At this stage I stopped at a barrier in front of some big offices, and
asked the security man how to get there....thankfully he knew, and I
arrived safely......no trouble with the car, which was great the whole
My nursing friends, whom I had met in 1961 came to the hotel and
we had a great dinner, catching up on the news, and generally
behaving like we did when we were 18 !!
They are the most loyal friends, and everytime I go back to UK we
manage to meet up somehow, and somewhere.......we are lucky to
have each other :-)
So on I go the next morning......on to Paris, I have week end to
spend with Jackie, and then the mob arrives from all over to
Meet up at the Hotel Ibis !!
As I arrived in Paris, and was picked up by a taxi arranged for by
Jackie, through her company, she left and flew to London for business
meetings. Returning just in time to go out on Thursday evening !!
......This is a typical occurrence in my family, so no one is
concerned !!
Her daughter, Victoria,(12) met me at their home, and we went to the
Chinese restaurant just next door for lunch. As neither of us was
hungry, we ordered a plate of special rice and a glass of wine for me,
and a soft drink for her. It was fun to talk to her, and hear how
much her English has improved this last year.
As we leave, she is roundly told off by the proprietor for asking for
rice alone, and as I had not attuned to the language yet,
I had no idea what was going on.....we left it at that, and
decided that we'd mention the fact that we were neighbours and
regulars, the next time we went there.
Isabelle, Jackie's eldest daughter, and Jemma, her daughter, came
round that night...with lots and lots of Lebanese food. It was
delicious and we all had a good feed, and lots of laughter.
I got to know Jemma, whom I had met 5 years ago when she
was a little baby......she is a darling, and
we had great fun with my French, and her teaching me things to say !!
The next day, I wandered around, trying to find a bank that would give
me some money.....my Visa card wouldn't work.....it took me a while to
realise it was out of date <VBG>
Jackie was too busy to take me into town to find a Citibank to use my
Diners Club card, so she lent me some money for the rest of the
trip..............how wonderful it is to travel and stay with family!!
A.D. rang to make sure I was all right after all the dental work, and
while chatting to both of us, wanted a quiet word with
Jackie......."Don't let Anne wear her shorts in Paris, it just isn't
done !!" We had a wonderful laugh, and agreed that I wouldn't do such a
thing..... LOL.
The next evening we went to a party ........"just casual, after
work".....well you should have seen the chic people there, and what a
flat (apartment)......I was chatting to a woman, who is Yugoslav, and
has sisters in Serbia, when I saw this amazing shape over
her shoulder. When I decently could, I left her and went to see for
It was the Eiffel Tower, and I felt as if I could touch it !!
As the evening went on and it got dark, about 10.30pm,
the lights came on, and the count down to the year 2000 was clearly
visible, Victoria, who had made a fuss about going to the party,
now made us stay until midnight to see the number of days change !!
The food was superb, and they had caterers all dressed up in gold
livery serving champagne and food.........Lebanese food !!
They also had a huge round loaf of bread with all the bread cut out,
and made into the thinnest smoked salmon sandwiches you have
ever seen!!!
Friday, Victoria went to stay with her Father, and Jackie and I went
to the Opera (Don Carlo) at the Bastilles Opera House.
This was amazing .....they had subtitles above the stage, in French,
so that everyone could understand the Italian they were
singing......This Opera House is only about 10 years old,
and they have all sorts of technology to make it so much more
There was a great decision to make before we went though......what to
wear????? The weather was hot, and we decided that I'd wear a sleeveless dress,
but as I don't like showing off my arms, I'd need an overshirt of some
sort.........something that would tone in just right with the colours
on my blue/purple dress............ we found the very thing..........
(That is the end of the saga of the nightie.......almost..............
We did have to tell A.D that I hadn't worn my shorts, but that I did
wear my nightie to the Opera !!) <VBG>
It was a wonderful evening, and we went home tired after all the
partying, and the heat !!
The next day, Jackie took me to meet some friends of hers and we had
'afternoon tea' in a very leafy suburb of Paris.....taking a beautiful
drive along the River Seine to get there.
Sunday night, and a Chinese meal next door, and a quick word with the
Lady there about Victoria's age, she is very tall and slim, and
looks at least 17......the proprietor wasn't at all fazed,
and said that one doesn't eat just rice in her restaurant !!
Monday, and the great event was about to occur !!
I met Tessa at some stage and we went round Les Invalides,
Napoleon's Tomb.
This is housed in a huge Chapel, at the back of a magnificent
church, The Church of Saint Louis, which has a golden dome, and is
very well displayed, one looks down on the tomb from a circular 'hole'
on the first floor, and then we went downstairs to get closer.
We were both horrified to see how dusty it was, and felt that for such
an important, though puny, man, someone should be employed to
keep it clean and dusted at all times.
Tessa decided there and then that she would write to the President of
France to tell him so.......I see that she has lowered her sights a
little since then, and might right to the 'Controller of Museums'
Amongst the wonderful sights we saw, and it is a splendid place to
visit, was the Veterans' Hospital, in the same grounds and a working
everyday hospital for old soldiers, we saw them coming and going,
and sitting in the gardens. This is a working museum and hospital,
and is not just a mausoleum for Napoleon.
I had talked to Maeve a couple of times, and we arranged to meet on
Monday evening for a meal, and she and Tessa, and Jackie and I went to
a lovely restaurant , very close to the hotel, and Jackie's flat and
had a very entertaining evening, chatting and getting to know each other.
It was really great to meet and find that Maeve is not at all the
dizzy character she pretends to be, but a lovely loving friend, with a
great sense of humour, and lots to say !! Also to discover that
Tessa has a Canadian accent, something really unexpected,
I thought she was a Londoner!
We went back to the hotel, and there I heard Win asking for some money
and accosted her in the foyer <G> She couldn't understand how I
recognised her, not realising that her Yorkshire accent was very
distinctive, and great to hear again. I haven't heard the accent since
the death of my Mother in law in 1982.
We all sat around the table for a coffee, and Jackie who had gone to
park the car, found us by the noise we were all making.
It was lovely to meet Win's New Zealand cousin, and her young friend,
and Jeannine, her travelling companion, who is great fun.
Well we had to go, as Jackie had to work the next day, so as we left,
I said I'd ring them and arrange meeting times for coffee
and lunch :-)
I rang the next morning and found an exhausted Tessa, really
desperate........all she could say is "Talk to this woman, she won't
stop talking, she hasn't let me sleep all night, she will not stop
I rescued her, and had a quick word with Maeve, while Tessa got a few
moments' rest <VBG> We arranged to meet for coffee, and then lunch, and as I got to the
hotel, Hugette had arrived with her Daughter in law, Natalie.
Hugette is so beautiful and gentle, as her post show, it was such a
pleasure to meet her and Natalie.
So we were 7 for lunch, and we made an impression in the dining room
<G> The waitress couldn't believe we didn't know each other before,
there was so much laughter and chat going on, with everyone talking
at the same time, and eating very well......especially Tessa,
who enjoys her sweets <VBG>
So after a great meal we thought we ought to walk it off a bit, and
decided to go and see Jackie's flat. It is typically 'Old French' with
great big security doors to get into the building and a one person
lift and stairs curling around the lift well to get up to the third
floor to Jackie's.
On the way we passed the back of L'Ecole Militaire, and saw them
training horses to dressage, and showjumping, right there in the
middle of Paris !!
There were riders training their horses in these beautiful gardens.
This is something most tourists don't see, so we were fortunate :-)
Nearer the flat, as we thought were getting sugar withdrawal
symptoms <VBG>, we bought a chocolate rum cake,
just for Tessa and Maeve really, but we all managed to have a little
bit, just to keep them company <VBG>
After a while, and a small nap for one or two of us, (no, I am not
telling), everyone left to go on the River Seine for a boat trip. I
stayed as Jackie was returning, and we were going out to friends for
dinner. (This was the friend who had given us the Opera tickets)
The final morning, Maeve had to leave early, and also wanted to go to
Galleries Lafayette to do some (obligatory) shopping :-), Tessa had a
bit longer before she had to catch the train back to London, so we met
at the hotel, and said our sad goodbyes, and got in separate taxis
to go our different ways. I was, by this time, very grateful, to get a
to go to the Musče D'Orsay. (I could no longer walk properly)
Tessa and I had a wonderful visit there, much too short, but
absolutely thrilled to be there, and see some of the wonders they have
One of the statues near the entrance was of Napoleon rising from the
dead.....we couldn't believe how little he was <VBG>
We saw paintings by Renoir, Monet, Manet, and cartoons by someone
whose name I have forgotten, but ought to remember
(senior moment strikes again),
and then we went upstairs, escalators, to the very top and saw many of
the Impressionist paintings. It was incredible to see so many of the
paintings of which we had seen so many posters.............
We sat for a moment's rest and found ourselves being watched very
carefully by Van Gogh !!
It was a wonderful experience, and we really needed 4
days, not 4 hours !!
We went out on to the roof, and could just see the Church of the Sacrč
Coeur on the hill across the Seine in the mist (pollution?)
There were barges on the river, and we could see many of the bridges,
and the Louvre and many of the landmarks we would have loved to have
had the time to go and see.
However we had to go, Tessa to the Gard du Nord, and I back home to
pack to leave the next morning.
I took the Metro back home, but Tessa, energetic to the last walked to
the station. I was full of admiration !!
I returned home and packed my suitcase about 5 times before Jackie
came home and we went downstairs to the Chinese restaurant,
where we had a fantastic meal, I had turbot, filleted for me at the
table, absolutely delicious !! Jackie had something new to me, a bit
like spring rolls, but very interestingly different.
We shared our meals and both enjoyed a very pleasant evening.
Jackie had to leave before I did in the morning, to attend a very big
business meeting, so I saw her off to work, and got myself organised
for the same taxi that had picked me up from the airport to arrive to
take me back.........Jackie was off to London later!!
What a special time it had been......I am going back soon :-)
I was off to a wedding !!........not in London, but near Leyland in
England's Nothwest again :-).
Finally I arrive at Manchester airport, on the last bit of my journey.
I am met by John, the Bridegroom, my nephew, and we tear along the
various motorways out of Manchester, all of which seem to have
changed their numbers since I last had to drive there.
I am very grateful that he has come to pick me up,
I'd have got very lost !!
We arrive at home, near Leyland, where Dorothy and Andrew are very
busy with all the preparations for the wedding on Saturday. (This is
I meet Vicki, the bride, for the first time, although I have spoken to
her on the phone before, and heard her pretty Welsh accent, it was
lovely to see what a lovely girl she is in real life.
Dorothy is lifting a pork roast out of the oven as I arrive, it has a
plaited bacon piece on top of it, and we convince the men that Dorothy
and Vicki spent hours doing the fancy work themselves !!
Once I get my things upstairs and change out of my travelling clothes,
I go down to the kitchen to see what I can do to help.
Dorothy has everything under control, and is martialling the troops
Food goes in and out of the oven at regular intervals, and Andrew and
John are hard at work outside cutting the grass along the lane, they
live on an old farm house along a beautiful country lane......filling
the pot holes with the help of Dave, who is a wonderful man with
the earth mover !!
We fold napkins, finish getting the billiard table ready, covering it
with white and silver paper to cover it completely. It all looks very
'weddingy'.......I am shown all the presents which are on display,
they received some beautiful things.
Friday, and much more of the same....John and I take time out to go
and get the balloons, they are just gorgeous, ribbons everywhere and
very floaty, and we have a fit of the giggles as we try to fit them
in the car (4x4), it is very windy, and raining a bit, so we have
to close the roof, and shut all the windows, or they all just bobble
in John's face as he is trying to drive !!
Vicki's parents arrive from Wales and bring the wedding cake with
them, this is amazing, 4 tiers, all on gold posts, and we balance it
veerrry carefully in it's position, and surround it with some of the
We are all beginning to feel we are nearly there now !!
Vicki all this time has been working like a workhorse, and her parents
join in as soon as they arrive !!
We are a bit like one of Andrew and Dorothy's beehives which are all
over the garden !!
All the plates are on the table, glasses in the bar, food just about
ready, it all needs to be taken into the billiard room, and put on the
table tomorrow, at the last minute.
We get THE dress ready with a good steaming to get rid of any last
minute creases (a bit nerve-wracking) and it looks great.
After fish and chips for all of us for supper, we head for bed, ready
for tomorrow, and not a little tired, especially Vicki who has been
working all day long, and getting excited too !!
The big day arrives, and we are all now well in training, and know
what we have to do to finish everything and have it all ready for the
guests who will be returning after the church ceremony.
The weather is brilliant, very hot for England, as was a lot of the
I get to the shower first, so that everyone else can get there when
they need to, and then after her shower, and hairdo, which is done by
a friend of the family, Vicki is 'madeup' by Elizabeth, John's sister,
who does a wonderful job, making Vicki look even more gorgeous.
She didn't like it much, as she doesn't normally wear a lot of makeup,
but she looked fantastic !!
After a bit of a rest we have some bread and cheese for lunch, and by
3 o'clock John has to leave the house, so that we can help Vicki get
herself ready.
I was honoured to help her get into her dress, and make sure that all
was just as it should be, and then we were off to the church to await
her arrival with her Father.
It was a beautiful sight to see her walking up the path to the church,
and the service was so lovely, with the two of them so sure in their
vows, and looking so happy.
Lots of photos later (!!) Dorothy and I leave to follow the Happy
Couple home, so that they will be ready at the door to greet the
guests, and we set to, and get everything on the table.
Dave, (of pot-hole filling fame) is now a very well dressed barman,
and is doing a great job making sure everyone is kept supplied !!
Everyone had a great time, even the speeches were just emotional
enough !!......Andrew made sure we all had a laugh,
with a Welsh Dragon hat.......red, of course, really an
indescribable piece of headwear !!
Well that was the first group of guests, and the second wave arrived
at about 7.30pm for a BBQ.
Now this was no ordinary BBQ, I have never seen so much food in one
day !! The billiard table was groaning with salmon and roasts of all
sorts, and cakes and sweets, there was still plenty left,
but on they all went with eating even more !!
The Wedding Cake was delicious, really moist and tasty, perfect.
All the steak and sausages disappeared very quickly, and the table in
the billiard room started to look as if some of it had been eaten !!
It was fantastic!!
How Dorothy kept going I have no idea, but eventually we sat her down
to make sure she ate something before she collapsed !!
Once it got dark, John and Dave and others got out on the lawn, and
set off fireworks !!
They were just wonderful, terrifying the dogs, but they were soon
The fireworks were a great end to a great day, and everyone was
exhausted, but happy.
The next day we sorted out, and washed up everything, amazed at the
number of glasses that had been used, (and very thankful for a
dishwashing machine !!)
We all had an afternoon sleep, and collapsed for a long time !!
I spent the afternoon, after a sleep, trying to pack for the final
I had to be sure I had packed my special nightie !!
It took me 5 efforts before I got it right, and then I collapsed for
another quick nap !!
We had a lovely evening, John and Vicki were preparing to go to the
Lake District and Scotland for their honeymoon, and were also leaving
early in the morning. So Andrew and I got going even earlier
(6.00am) to get to Manchester airport in time for the
nine o'clock shuttle to London.
They wouldn't let me carry on my little case with the laptop in it, so
when we arrived in London, I had to go to one of those wonderful
carousels to find it, before finding my way to Terminal 4.
By the time I walked for what felt like hours, (my ankles at this
time were *really* complaining), I arrived at the escalator which led
to the departure lounge........just in time to hear them calling my
flight. The only consolation I had, as I refused to hurry any more,
was that they wouldn't go without me, as they had my luggage,
and as there was always a possibility that I had a bomb in it,
they wouldn't leave without me !!!
So I arrived at my seat, to find I was next to an English businessman
who was only going to Singapore, and with any luck,
I'd have an empty seat beside me for the final leg of the journey to
Perth. I was lucky, and the last leg of the trip was great, with lots of room
to move, and space to spread my stuff around me !!
It was great to get home and be met by the family....the smallest of
whom, The Empress Sophie, recognised me before
either of my children !!
I was so pleased to see them there to meet me.
What a relief to be back, but I had really had the trip of a lifetime,
and will remember all the friends I had met, and fun we had
together with great joy.
Posted 10/10/1999